Amsterdam, 11-05-2016
Klapper Communications Research & Consultancy launches in co-operation with technology provider ActiveReaction the new research tool ReelRater™.
ReelRater™ is a cost-efficient online research tool that runs on all platforms, such as tablets, smartphones, PCs and Macs. ReelRater™ is not an app, but it runs in any standard browser. Placing a link on your website or social media platform is sufficient to enable communities or access panels to rate your content. Users do not need to install any software.
ReelRater measures likeability and effectivity of video content
ReelRater™ measures moment-to-moment likeability and the effectivity of AV content, such as ‘how-to’ video’s and instructional videos on YouTube, trailers, commercials and TV and radio formats. ReelRater™ provides you with both quantitative and qualitative feedback.
ReelRater for video content research
ReelRater™ can be used for pre-tests, post-tests, pilot research and screen tests. The tool can help to optimize the digital content of your video channel or TV channel in terms of editing rhythm, storytelling, the order of the sequences, engagement and presentation.
ReelRater for MCN’s and producers
ReelRater™ can be used by producers of online video content and branded (YouTube) channels, Multi Channel Networks, TV networks, advertisers or format developers.
Click here for our blog about a ReelRater™ business case.
Klapper Communications Research & Consultancy B.V.
Note to the editors
For additional information contact Charles Vaneker: call + 31 (0)20 6384360 or fill out the form.
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